Entrance flooring is a fundamental part of modern marine interior design. An entrance matting system protects the interior floor covering, prolonging its life and reducing maintenance costs. It helps create a safer and more pleasant environment for passengers by removing walked-in dirt and moisture. Forbo Flooring Systems is committed to quality flooring systems for marine interiors.

The creation of good entrance flooring requires the consideration of footfall (the number of people walking in and out of a facility in a given period) and walking routes (the directions they can take once inside), and the application of that information in design. One of the best ways to apply a successful matting system is to consider not only major entrances, but also high-circulation areas such as exits to decks. On seagoing vessels, there is naturally more exposure to moisture than dirt, so choosing the correct matting system is key.

"Research shows that 86% of the total cost of commercial floor coverings is maintenance," says Raymond Koomen, senior designer of Forbo Flooring System’s Coral entrance-matting-system division. "A high-quality entrance system can greatly reduce this figure."

Quality entrance matting will protect an interior floor covering and prolong its life. Plus, with high moisture-absorption properties and the ability to clean off dirt, the cost – in money and time – of cleaning and maintaining a system can be greatly reduced.

Effortlessly effective

"The beauty of an entrance matting system is that passengers don’t have to actively wipe their feet – the system does the work invisibly, without any effort," explains Koomen. "It’s an unsung hero in the world of flooring.

"We spent a lot of time testing and researching products and systems in order to get our IMO-certified product, Coral T32 FR, to where it is today. Just 6m of Coral T32 FR can reduce up to 94% of walked-in dirt and moisture."

Safety-first flooring

Not only do entrance matting systems reduce costs, but they also have a critical role to play in safety. Slips, trips and falls made up more than half of all reported injuries in 2012-2013, causing suffering and financial loss for individuals, companies and society at large. Reducing the amount of moisture walked into marine vessels reduces the risk of such incidents occurring. Additionally, an entrance will often become an emergency exit when the need arrives: in such cases, flooring should aim to help the people on the vessels safely disembark.

Forbo’s Coral marine products are thereby developed in such a way that the construction, design and materials used will not only reduce walked-in moisture levels, but also greatly increase the safety of embarking and disembarking a vessel, oil rig or other structure.

Designed for durability

Forbo’s Coral T32 FR comprises a special cut-pile construction of 60% wool and 40% nylon, creating a durable product with high absorption properties. The yarn and backing materials have been developed to meet the stringent smoke-toxicity and low-flame-spread standards required to meet the IMO ‘wheelmark’ (the highest safety certification for marine operation). Coral T32 FR can be used in all types of entrance areas, transition areas and corridors on cruise ships.

Forbo’s products are proudly developed and designed for safe entrances and exits.